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We thrive in uncertainty, in unknown landscapes.

We are experts in strategic design, AI, research, and strategic innovation.

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Liisa Holma


As the CEO of un/known Liisa helps leaders and companies – un/known included – mold and bring about strategies that provide a clear, inspiring direction with a humane touch. Liisa is a professional board member (HHJ) and through her extensive career in large corporations understands intricacies of corporate culture and decision making.

Liisa has also co-authored the books such as “Menestys syntyy asiakaskokemuksesta - B2B-johtajan opas" (2021) about B2B customer experience. More recently she has been one of the co-hosts and co-founder of a popular work life podcast Lähtijät.

+358 50 303 4373


Sampo Axelsson

Strategy Lead

Our strategy lead Sampo is on a mission to understand technology-driven change and its human consequences. This change leads to direct shifts in customer and employee value. Thus full understanding is a pre-requisite for any future-proof business model.

Sampo's experience brings together many organisational functions. He effortlessly combines corporate innovation and insight with strategic marketing and communications. His industry experience reaches from digital services to urban development and public transport.

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Ulla Holma

Innovation Lead

As our innovation lead, Ulla is passionate about questioning current strategies and operating models. She seeks to find the connection between companies and their stakeholders through strategic foresight and people-centric thinking.


As the pioneer of design thinking in Finland Ulla was one of the founding members of the Finnish chapter of the Service Design Network, as well as leading a design company of her own. 


Anna Haverinen

Research Lead

Anna helps our clients to use customer, market and future insights to create deeper impact in strategy and business development. She has a PhD in Digital Culture research and a background in anthropology, which has led her to apply deep cultural insights in strategy, product design and business development especially in emerging markets. 


Anna also has extensive teaching and public speaking experience, from university lectures to facilitating workshops and speaking at events like TEDx, so if you need a skilled facilitator, coach, or educator – she's your choice. 

Anna Haverinen, Lead Researcher
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