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Tampereen Raitiotie : Customer-oriented development road map


Tampereen Raitiotie Oy is a company owned by the city of Tampere. The company is responsible for the construction of Tampere's tramway infrastructure, the procurement of equipment, the organization of financing, as well as the functionality of the tramway system. 

When the initial development work of the Tampere Tramway started, we were involved in defining the goals: 

1. Creating a comprehensive, prioritized list of development intentions, 

2. Creating a development road map for the Tampere Tramway,  

3. Development of the business model in collaboration with other parties.


The work began with a desktop study where we gathered an understanding of the current state of traffic in Tampere and the pain points by going through internal materials and studies and by interviewing critical public transport personnel. 

After this, we organized a workshop with key personnel, where we gathered understanding of the definition of the role and responsibility of Tampere Tramway, the knowledge of the management model and the instrument panel, and the definition of development activities. 

In the next workshop, we deepened our understanding, focusing on defining customer journey descriptions.


We created eight broad development themes, which we roughly divided into three entities (building basic infrastructure, analytics and internal development, end-user services, and new business models). 

The themes helped create the road map, prioritization, and phasing. We were able to create a functional and motivating goal and a set of indicators for the development work, as well as create a road map for the development work and the building blocks for Tampere Ratikka's service promise

As a result of our work, customer path descriptions were also constructed for the three primary customer groups we created.

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