Value and impact by strategy and innovation
Value and impact by strategy and innovation
Value and impact by strategy and innovation
Value and impact by strategy and innovation
Value and impact by strategy and innovation
Value and impact by strategy and innovation
VR Group procurement wants to partner with internal customers, i.e., different business representatives, in all major purchases. Procurement has the expertise and the opportunity to offer more value than just price negotiations. Using purchasing expertise in the best way would help the business succeed in its purchases. And VR would get the value that it seeks in procurement.
Procurement aims to support the growth and competitiveness of businesses, to be in line with their strategies, to understand their needs more profoundly, and thus create even greater value instead of just focusing on cost. Using the procurement know-how in the best way would help the business succeed in its procurements and ensure that VR Group gets the value it seeks.
We gathered an understanding of the current state, successes, and pain points by reviewing internal materials and interviewing procurement team members and business representatives.
We identified the most critical development items for which we developed solutions together with the customer in the project team's workshop. This is how we ensured that the solutions met the requirements of procurement legislation as the work continued. The proposed solutions were finalized and presented to the business representatives.
Finally, we created a service journey, and defined the operating methods along the journey together with the business. The collaboration ensured that the journey met the needs of the business as well as possible.
The work was based on a transparent dialogue, which helped build clarity about the common will. This alone created significant value. The procurement development needs were identified and prioritized based on the dialogue and co-creation. In addition, we clarified the roles of procurement and set goals for communication between procurement and business.
We also described VR Group's procurement and business cooperation by transparently visualizing the demanding and long EU procurement phases.
"The work achieved its essential goals for developing honest dialogue and cooperation, and I believe its effects continue to carry forward in our operations."
Janne Katainen, Head of Sourcing, VR Group